If you don’t want to talk anymore, you can just block them. But they can block you too if they’ve had it enough. Keep on reading to learn how to know if someone blocked you on Telegram. Since Telegram doesn’t send a notification that you are blocked, you’d have to look for other things to be sure.

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Telegram?

You might have been trying to text someone and maybe you are doubting if you’ve been blocked. As we mentioned, there are some things to check that someone blocked you on Telegram. If these things happen to you, that contact you are wondering about has blocked you:

1. You don’t see their ‘Online Status’ or ‘Last Seen’

If the contact has blocked you, you will not be able to see their online status at all. If someone blocked you on Telegram, you can’t see their ‘Last Seen’ either. If you were in their contact list, you could see a specific date or time when they were online. Instead, you will see a ‘long time ago’ under their contact name if they’ve blocked you.

2. You receive a privacy notification when voice or video calling them

Try voice-calling or video-calling the contact first. If you receive a privacy notification while connecting this call, you have been blocked. Without the privacy notification, there might be a chance that the contact is just busy. But with the notification, you can be sure that they’ve blocked you.

3. You don’t receive an ‘Account Deleted’ warning

If you’ve been chatting with this contact and do not receive an ‘Account Deleted’ warning when you open your chatbox, you’ve been blocked. If you’ve seen and tried the things mentioned above, then the contact blocked you. Otherwise, if the contact had only deleted their account, Telegram would tell you when you opened the chatbox. Note: They might have changed their information settings to be visible to only friends and deleted your contact. Just to be extra sure, try checking this contact’s profile and information from a different Telegram account.

You might not have been blocked even if

You should be looking out for these confusing things. The contact might be busy or could have changed their Visibility Settings to display to only their contact list. And they could’ve deleted your contact. The things mentioned below don’t necessarily mean that you’ve been blocked.

You cannot view their profile pictureYou don’t see a double tick on your sent messageTelegram doesn’t complete your voice or video call

We’ve seen these actions getting mentioned as being blocked. So, we wanted to let you know that the contact could be busy. This doesn’t guarantee that you’ve been blocked. Also, make sure your Wi-fi connection is stable to make sure your calls and messages are sent properly. Sometimes, it is just an unstable Wi-fi that causes the problem.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have learned how to know if someone blocked you on Telegram now. Finding out if you’ve been blocked can be very confusing but we hope this article helped. Let us know in the comments if we’ve cleared your doubts.


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