Hence, we can say that it provides a home to a large number of people for the same yearnings. You can also join as many groups as you can since there is no limitation on that. Telegram is popular because it provides end-to-end encryption to the messages so it is one of the most secure ways of communication out there. There are,, however, many scams inside the telegram that you should be aware of. People might confuse between Telegram channels and groups. You can subscribe to channels where the creator provides the content of your liking through the channel. Whereas through groups people can chat and share pictures, videos, gifs with other members like a group chat. In this article, we will dive more into types of groups and ways to find groups on Telegram.

How to Find Groups on Telegram?

The quest to search and find groups on telegram is relatively easy if you have prior knowledge of telegrams and types of groups on telegram. But it could be tricky if you have no idea how telegram groups work. To find a group on telegram you must either be invited or the group must be public. Since the telegram groups are private by default, the creator can change the group settings to make it public.

Private GroupPublic Group

Private Group

A private group only allows people who have been personally invited by the creator through a private link to join the group. It is rather impossible to find groups on telegram that are private. This way it ensures the privacy of the content being shared on a private group. The ‘t.me‘ invitation link shared to you through the creator is the only way to gain access to a private group.

Public Group

Unlike a private group, public group can easily be found on Telegram. Once you know the group id or name, you can search for it or you can use another website to search for groups serving your interest. Since anyone can enter a public group, it can be unsafe. There are also groups of scammers or offensive things being shared through different groups which you should be aware of. You can find groups on telegram that are public by either directly searching for them or using online websites that cater to different groups and channels.

You can download Telegram app on your Android or IOS device or use a desktop version. You can be a part of the group. The public group falls under Global Search, so you can find groups on telegrams from all around the world.

Third Party Sites

You cannot navigate everything through the Telegram app itself. The resources are limited and you might need help from a third party site called ‘directory‘ in order to host such a large amount of groups and channels. thankfully, Telegram has an official website where you can search and find interesting groups and channels to join and subscribe to. Similar services are also provided by another unofficial website that caters for a large number of groups and channels. One of the most sought websites is a directory.me. You can search from the many categories and find groups on Telegram that matches the most with what you are searching for. But bear in mind that these are just online aggregators and do not hold the responsibility of verifying the authenticity of the groups so there are chances you might be caught amongst fraudster online. Make sure you stay away from such scams.


Telegram provides a platform for users to have a conversation or find resources of their likings. From concert links to great music recommendations, through the right groups and channels, you can take full advantage of being on telegram. You can find groups on Telegram by following the methods highlighted in the article. We hope this was a helpful article. Let us know if you have any queries.


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