For values and further help with identification, visit the Depression Glass Price Guide. Most often found in pink and monax. Deep red and cobalt blue American Sweetheart pieces are rare and quite valuable. (Reference: Collector’s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence) Most often found in pink and green, but Delphite and Jadite pieces can also be found occasionally. Most often found in pink and green, but also made in Delphite (opaque blue). Ultramarine (light teal) and yellow can be found occasionally in this pattern. Most often found in green, although some crystal (clear) and amber pieces were produced. Most often found in pink, but a few pieces were made in crystal (clear) and iridescent. The shapes used for this pattern are very similar to Jeannette’s Depression-era Windsor pattern. Often found in green, but also made in yellow, pink and crystal (clear). Most common color is crystal (clear), followed by iridescent. Most crystal pieces were made from 1928-1932, but select pieces were produced again from the late ’40s into the ’50s. Iridescent pieces date primarily to the 1950s. Most often found in pink followed by ice blue. Cookie jars and shot glasses have been reproduced in the Mayfair pattern. Many cookie jars were made in colors not originally associated with Mayfair, but the pink and light blue versions can be troublesome for new collectors. Refer to Collector’s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence for more information on identifying Mayfair reproduction cookie jars. Most often found in cobalt blue, but also produced in amethyst. See reference to Platonite Moderntone in the introduction. Primarily found in Pink, but some crystal (clear) and green pieces were made. Most often found in amber followed by green. Pink and crystal (clear) pieces were also produced. Most common color is crystal (clear), followed by amber. Mainly found in clear, but other colors such as yellow, amber, and red can also be found in certain pieces. (Reference: Collector’s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence) Most often found in green, but also made in crystal (clear) and some pink. Cookie jar, juice, and water tumblers have been reproduced in a very dark cobalt blue, according to Collector’s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence. Most often found in amber and pink, but produced in green as well. A number of reproductions have been made in this pattern in pink, which can be confusing to new collectors. Other newer pieces were made in colors never originally produced in this pattern. Refer to Collector’s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene Florence for more information.